Mason's last week with his first companion. He will miss him. Had a busy week and found some new investigators. Enjoy!
Hello Family,
What a week. The week was very busy as we continue to teach and find new investigators. The Baptism that was planned to happen this past week was postponed to this week, June 1st because we read in Mormon 9:29 that nobody shall be Baptized unworthily. Investigators progress at different rates and some commitments are harder to keep then others. As I have mentioned before, conversion is a process, not an event. Postponing the Baptism was needed for a few reasons and is not a bad thing. She has pregressed very well and I am very excited for her. This past week, Elder Martinez and I found some solid new investigators. I look forward to teaching them this week and helping them come unto Christ. Witnessing conversion within an investigator cannot be described, as well as most of the mission. The mission can only be understood through experience. Seeing investigators progress in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is worth every minute of hard work. All the lost sleep, stressful moments with the language and hard times in gerenal are all worth it when I recognize the progress of conversion not only within my investigators, but myself as well. This is hard work, but the mission has truly become a blessing to me. The principles I have learned and will learn are of eternal significance in my life. This mission is a blessing. This past week, I have also expounded my knowledge of Doctrine and Covenants 4. I have deeply defined the meaning behind each word when it says, "serve Him with all your heart, might, mind andstrength. I have learned that serving with all your heart is the hardest to practice. These attributes go hand in hand. One without the other is nothing. When your priority is fulfilling Gods will before yours, you are serving with all your heart. When you are doing all that you can to learn and develop to become more a Christlike missionary, you are serving with all your might. When you have the companionship of the Holy Ghost at all times and allow the Holy Chost to make your plans and set your goals, you are serving with all your mind and when you serve with all your strength, at the end of each day when you give an accounting to the Lord in prayer, you can tell him that you did all you could today to further His work. I just summed up what was deep study and thought. Those words in that scripture could be broken up into more detail, but I know the Spirit can also teach one just with these simple sentences. I wish I had the time to share all of what the Spirit has taught me each week, but there is not. Just know that I am being spiritually fed every minute here on my mission. I try to keep up with it all in my study and personal journal, but much will be within my testimony that continues to grow. This church is the church of our brother, Jesus Christ. The principles of the Gospel literally lead to eternal life. There is no other way. President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God and leads the restored church with the help of the Godhead. My testimony is immovable and my objective is clear. I am working towards recieveing eternal life with our Heavely Father and while I am at it, I am going to invite and help people to come with me. This is my purpose and this is my joy. Have a great week!
Elder Harvey
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