Thursday, May 16, 2013


Mason loved skyping with family and didn't wanna say goodbye. He is great and had some great stories to tell. Enjoy!

Hello loved ones, friends and everyone else,
           This past week was wonderful and ended on a awesome note. Skyping family was wonderful. I really enjoyed talking with the family and seeing their faces, hearing their voices and catching up with them. The time that I had to speak with you all over Skype went by very quickly. I felt like I did not have enough time, and I am sure that is how every mssionary feels when talking to family while on the mission. It helps me to continue to work hard here in the mission knowing that all is well back home. I am glad that yesterday was a wonderful Mothers Day for the family. The Spanish people here celebrate Holidays a little different, but I am getting used to it. Here on the mission, I am learning a lot about myself. I am really growing spiritually as a I am surrounded by the Gospel. As I have said before, my testimony has become immovable and I continue to learn more reasons to say that. This is The Church of Jesus Christ. This Gospel truly does bless families here while in this life and in the eternities. This Gospel is lead by our loving Heavenly Father. President Thomas S. Monson is a living porphet who literally directs the church and shows the way back to return with our Heavenly Father.  These words become more and more real each day here on the mission. It is only through recieving the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ through Faith, Repentence, Baptism, Recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Enduring to the End that we may return the presence of loving Heavenly Father. Enter into the straight gate of the restored gospel, for straight is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life, and few there be that find it; but the gate is wide, but also broad is the way that leads to endless darkness that many travel and will travel, wherein no man can work [3 Nephi 27:33]. The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the few that have found this path, and the people we teach as missionaries are the many who no not of this path. The words of this scripture express the importance of our role as members of the church. How great of blessings we have as members. We must share them with those whom are in need. Everyone is a missionary. Ask yourself, are you going to "return with honor" in the first ressurection? I love this call as a missionary and for the opportunity to serve here in Southern California. What greater gift is there then to invite and help others come unto Christ. There are all sorts of yound adults serving in all parts of the world, but the work is all the same. We are all united and are instruments in the Lords hands in fulfilling His work. Have a great week. Take Care!
-Elder Harvey

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